Friday, July 29, 2022

Surrounded By Aliens

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Aku baru aja selesai nulis esai untuk ngelamar sebagai penulis freelance di sebuah perusahaan. Bagian terakhir dari yang harus dikirim ke mereka adalah sebuah esai yang sifatnya on the spot (karena aku nggak bisa nutup tabnya dan bikin kerangka dulu baru dipost di sana). Tema esai yang dikasih itu ada dua (aku boleh pilih salah satu). Temanya "The happiest time" sama "What would you do if you woke up and found yourself surrounded by aliens". Sebenernya menceritakan tema pertama tuh paling mudah, ya? Emang sih, bakalan gampang banget bikinnya. Tapi... Nggak tau kenapa, aku lagi kepengen menantang diriku sendiri. Jadilah aku pilih tema yang kedua. Mana harus nulis full bahasa Inggris. Aku beneran harus segera les bahasa Inggris kalo begini ceritanya. Hahahaha...

“What would you do if you woke up and found yourself surrounded by aliens” is an interesting question. Do you know that there’s a female solo singer from South Korea named Ailee? She has a fandom named Aileeans (pronounce the same as Aliens). So… If one day I wake up surrounded by these kinds of aliens, I would be happy because we share the same interest. I like Ailee though I can’t consider myself as an Aileeans. Maybe sharing some time together with real Aileeans can turn me into a full-time fan and worship her all my life.

But… Let’s back to the real question. The most natural reaction I will show is terrified. Why? Because humans have a strong tendency to build fear over something they don’t understand. This is why a lot of people hate clowns. One main reason why people hate clowns (other than they being used in horror movies like ‘It’) is that they can’t see or understand the real expression of the clown (because clown always uses heavy makeup or mask that cover their real expression). When someone can’t perceive the situation correctly, the emotion that helps humans survive is anger. Aggression is the most common expression to protect someone from an uncertain situation. I don’t say it is a good way to protect self, but it is what usually happens to humans.

Oh, sorry for blabbering out. Back to me, what will I do, what will happen to me. As I mentioned earlier, my natural reaction is terrified. The image of aliens we used to see on television and other media is creatures with big heads, big eyes, and small bodies. Seeing a creature that I rarely see in my everyday life must be terrified me a lot. But aggression isn’t my kind of thing. How can I attack them when I am lost in number? Let’s say they come in a group (more than 2 creatures) and I am alone, I won’t come up with idea to attack them.

Besides being terrified, the other reaction I might have when I realize that I wake up surrounded by a pack of aliens is paralyze. I might not able to move my body. How can I attack them when I can’t run to save myself first? That’s why, maybe, in that kind of situation I will wait, listen and observe. Sometimes, we just need time to understand something we aren't familiar with. Maybe the aliens need time to comprehend the situation (I know they are the ones that invaded earth but they might not be as smart as humans, so they also need time to understand the situation in front of them). If they try to communicate with me, I will try to reply to them (with body language or anything that can make our communication happens). Thinking of trying to communicate with aliens in front of me is a very interesting idea. How do they make a sound? How do they exchange messages toward each other? Do they make sounds with mouths like humans?

I know I might sound weird and don’t sound like a normal human being. But this is how I perceive the world. I might look like an alien around my friend because I realize that I am different from the people around me. At least, from how I perceived the world and how I behaved. That’s why I choose to wait and observe to comprehend the situation because I want people to wait and observe before they talk, behave or even judge something. Being proactive is always the best choice rather than being reactive. Wait before responding to anything. If the aliens didn’t mean to harm humans when they come to the earth, we can be best friends.

Ngaco banget kan esai-nya. Hahahaha...
Tapi beneran sih, seru kali ya kalo bisa temenan sama alien? Minimal bisa ngeliat bagaimana mereka berkomunikasi dan berusaha bertukar pesan (ini otak psikologinya lagi kumat sepertinya).

Tapi sempet kepikiran juga sih. Dulu waktu SD pernah ada drama series yang judulnya Roswell. Yang main itu Brendan Fehr, Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby sama Kathrine Heigl. Di series itu digambarin kalo tiga alien kesasar di New Mexico (katanya dulu emang New Mexico ini pernah kedatengan hadiah dari luar angkasa dan setelah itu muncul kejadian-kejadian aneh di sana). Nah... Alien yang digambarin di series Roswell itu diperanin sama Jason Behr, Brendan Fehr sama Kathrine Heigl.

Coba ya... Kalo aliennya seganteng itu, siapa yang bakalan takut? Bener kan kalo responnya malah pengen temenan sama mereka? Pengen juga gitu kaya Shiri Appleby bisa pacaran sama si Jason Behr, eh... sama si Max Evans (mas alien ganteng). Mereka juga alien baik kok. Nggak ada pikiran buat invasi Bumi atau mengambil alih Bumi untuk dijadiin tempat tinggal. Jadi emang udah paling bener ditemenin aja para aliennya.


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