Sunday, October 25, 2020

Challenge Day #21: Write About LOVE

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I left this challenge for 20 days because suddenly my work gets pretty hectic. Plus… I actually stuck on this theme. But because this week I will only work for a day (through the whole week), I will try to catch up and finish the remaining 10 days.

What is love?

When I was away from this challenge, I happened to talk about love with my students. We talked about Love Management (Yess! I talked about how to manage your love with my Y12 students. Isn’t it exciting???). We’re talking about managing love to our God, setting priority in life. But… Before talking about the main idea, I usually introduce the subject and asking a lot of questions to them (yeah… Many of my students told me I asked too many questions in class).

I told them that Love can be defined by three subjects. Physics, Chemistry and biology, and Math (I don’t want to talk about this one because… I just hate it).

According to physics, love is two atoms with different electric nucleus (either positive or negative). The negative ion (electron) will be attracted to the positive ion (proton), and vice versa. Just like a magnet, if it meets the same type, it will repulse one another. I told them, this is the basic law of attraction.

According to chemistry and biology, love is about hormones. There are a lot of hormones that can be related to love. Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, Estrogen, and Testosterone. Even adrenaline is part of the process of being fall in love. I usually told my students a story about one of NCIS’s episodes to explain the role of oxytocin as a ‘love hormone’ (yes, I use oxytocin as an example because, in long-lasting love, oxytocin plays a great deal on human behavior).

But after that brief explanation, I usually said to them. “Personally, I prefer language to explain about love. Some people said that love is a noun (object) because people give them to others. Some also said that love is a verb (predicate) because people do something about it.” We do something because we love someone. We need objects to experience/feel love.

If I had to talk about love, I’m a person that believes “action is louder than words”. We need to tell the person we love that we love them? Yes. Human needs affirmation. Words are fundamental. But that words mean nothing if the action doesn’t match. Action is the evidence of the words, that the words mean something.

Can You Hear My Heart, Eps 21
Courtesy: MBC 


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